Big Nick's Ride for the Fallen 2025
Honoring Cape Cod's Fallen Heroes

Roots of the Ride
July 23, 2009, Nicholas G. Xiarhos died in Gapmsir Afghanistan while on active duty when the vehicle he was in ran over an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). Nick was flown to Dover Air Force Base and honorably escorted back to his home town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts to a Heroes Welcome where it seemed that the entire town lined the roadways to show their respect. Nick's wake and service was held at the Saint George Greek Orthodox Church in Centerville before his burial at the Massachusetts National Cemetery, where he rests.
Yarmouth Police Lieutenant Steven Xiarhos (LTX) wanted to come up with a way to remember his Son, but also acknowledge and remember each and every Service Member from Cape Cod who made the ultimate scarafice since November 11, 2001. Family friend, United States Marine Veteran Ben Perry discussed alternatives with LTX and as the leader of the Cape Cod Law Dawgs Motorcycle Club, Ben decided that a Memorial Motorcycle Ride to remember and honor Cape Cod's Fallen would provide a lasting and fitting type of event, and LTX agreed.
Some of the Law Dawgs called upon in addition to Ben were: Cathy Gillan, Steve Peterson, Tad Duarte, Debbie Duarte, Michael Burgess, Lisa Burgess, Art Stone, Deb Stone, Erica Wenberg, and Harold Rebello (deceased). Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) Legislative Director Rick Gleason also joined the team and with the help of many, many volunteers, the inaugural Big Nick's Ride was a resounding success with close to 300 motorcycles in attendance.​
July 21, 2019 marked the 10th Anniversary of Big Nick's Ride for the Fallen with over 1,000 bikes participating. ​ Through the generosity of the riders, donations from our dedicated sponsors and all the supporters on the Cape and across the country, the Tenth Anniversary Ride reached its goal of over $100,000 to help support veterans, first responders and other community efforts throughout Cape Cod
We humbly thank for your support. With your help, our Fallen Heroes from Cape Cod will never be forgotten.
The Nicholas G. Xiarhos Memorial Fund is a 501C3 fund of The Cape Cod Foundation.
© 2019 Proudly created by Jim Matthews to honor all our Fallen Heroes
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